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2025  Meetings

  • February 10,  2025
    6:00 pm

    This meeting will be in the Great Room at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.

    Dr. Rick Batt
    will present:

    "A Look at Terrestrial Bromeliads"

    Dr. Batt is a retired geology professor who now lives in Cape Coral with his wife, Dr. Robin Harris. When they both taught at Buffalo State College in western New York State they had transformed their small property there into an English Country Perennial Garden..

    It wasn’t until they moved to Florida full-time in 2015 that Rick became interested in bromeliads, and today bromeliads are the main focus of their gardens, with more than 4000 bromeliad plants representing more than 2600 varieties (species, crosses, cultivars) on their quarter acre property.

    With the removal of about half of the tree canopy by hurricane Ian in 2022, many more sun-tolerant terrestrials, especially Dyckia and Hechtia, were introduced. Currently the genus Dyckia alone is represented in their gardens by more than 350 plants representing more than 180 varieties.

    He will focus on some of the familiar, more sun-tolerant genera of terrestrial bromeliads, including Dyckia, Deuterocohnia, Encholirium, Hechtia, Orthophytum, and Puya, and he will also consider some of the bigeneric crosses, including xDyckcohnia, xDycklirium, and xEnchotia.

  • January 13,  2025
    6:00 pm

    This meeting will be in the Great Room at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.

    Terrance Hoffman
    will present:

    "Mounting Bromeliads"

    Terrance has been growing bromeliads for over 50 years. He will bring a fine selection of his tillandsias, dyckias, orthophytums, billbergias and neoregelias to the meeting.

    He will share with us his beloved botanical objects and the tools he uses for mounting them on pieces of slate, stone, 'Japanese meditation stones', stalagmites, wires, and broken glass blocks.

    Terrence will invite us to have a hands-on experience and he will share his plants with us to create our own mounted bromeliads to take home.

    He will also demonstrate his two favorite secrets for successful mounts — rubber- bands and gel-glue.
